Friday, April 30, 2010


I'm really having a hard time accepting the fact that my little baby boy is turning one. It seems as though I just had him. With Emma, I couldn't wait for her to turn one; to plan the first birthday party. I couldn't wait for her to hit all her developmental milestones. It was like she was always this mature, little lady of mine. But with Drew, I truly know how fast time flies and how, soon enough, he will be my little man, roughing it in the backyard with his big sister. And I just can't seem to come to terms with that. I want my little baby back--to hold him in my arms, just cooing up at me.

And to make things worse, it seems as though everyone around me is either having babies or is pregnant. Not that I'm envying the pregnant part (heck-to-the-NO!), but I am envying the fact that they'll soon be having a sweet little baby. Uggh, if only you didn't have to actually carry a baby to have one...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Aint' It Funny...

how we--despite our best efforts not to--end up like our parents?!? I was just having a conversation with my dad the other day, where it occurred to me that I had become a parent to him. And I've been doing the same thing to my mom for some time now, too. We were talking about doctor's appointments, and the conversation quickly became me telling my dad that he needed to schedule his yearly check-ups, get his skin looked out frequently, so on and so forth. And with my mom---well I'm constantly nagging at her to make sure she scheduled her dermatologist appointment, her eye appointment, etc.

It just made me I am, barking at my parents to make sure they are keeping themselves as healthy as possible. Not only do we do it to our own children, but soon enough we find ourselves parenting our own parents.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Year Ago Today...

I felt miserable. Absolutely miserable! I was 9+ months pregnant and wanted nothing more than to just have the baby that was in my belly. Time couldn't go by fast enough. Yet here I am, a year later...wanting nothing more than for time to just stop passing by. I don't want my little boy Drew to turn one. I don't want him to walk. I don't want him to talk. I just want my sweet little boy, in my arms, cooing back up at me.

Funny how that happens, isn't it? It's amazing how time changes everything and even more amazing at how fast time seems to go by the older we get.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My (Other) Man Drew

Sometimes I just love my job. I work in a cool industry, where I get to (occasionally) meet celebrities. Mainly athletes. So when I found out that Sports Illustrated was bringing Drew Brees in as our guest speaker during our National Manager's Meeting, I almost peed my pants!


Yes, I am a die-hard Colts fan. Yes, Drew Brees and the Saints beat my Colts for the world championship this year. But my roots are strong and I've always had a thing for Drew. You think it's a coincidence that my son's named DREW?!?

I digress.

Drew Brees gave an amazing speech. Not only is the man articulate, but he just has the gift of public speaking. He's personable, precise, heart-warming, and thought-provoking. I'm no young duck--so when I hear the "go-get-em-tiger" speeches I'm like, "Yeah, right....can we talk reality, please?" But I don't know---there was something about his delivery that re-energized me.

Or hell--Maybe I'm just celeb-struck with a great quarterback, from Purdue, who has a little boy on the cover of SI...who just happens to be named Drew.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Now that Andy's on Spring Break, coupled with the beautiful weather we've been having, we finally put up the trampoline we got Emma for Christmas. Needless to say, it's a huge hit! She loves it, Mommy loves it, Uncle Matt loves it. Who doesn't love jumping on a trampoline?!?

And it's kinda crazy--for the little dare-devil that Emma is, she's very cautious on the trampoline. She doesn't attempt to do any flips or crazy jumps. She doesn't allow anyone else on the trampoline when she's jumping, for fear that they'll "break her face." (Perhaps the fear that Uncle Matt and Daddy placed in her head upon setting it up has a little something to do with it, no?)

And he's off...FINALLY!

A few weeks ago I posted that Drew still wasn't crawling. He's was just over 10.5 months and the kid showed no desire. He was perfectly content to just sit and roll. Or sit and whine, if he wanted something outside of his reach. Well, those days have now passed folks. Drew is finally crawling!

I'd forgotten how much I love seeing a baby crawl! There's just something so cute about seeing a little baby scooting all around, exploring their world. With Drew being our second, you truly know how fast these stages come and go--so I know that it's only a matter of time before I won't be seeing this stage. Knowing that, I just like to sit back and watch him do his thing.