Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just Press Pause

I know it's so cliche, but time goes by way too fast. How is it that Drew is now 4 months old? Why can't pregnancy go by this fast and childhood drag on the way morning sickness does? I love taking pictures of Drew in his papasan because it truly shows you how much he's grown in his 4 short months. His 4-month appointment isn't until the 21st, so I won't know his height and weight until then....but I'm assuming he's keeping up the Swickheimer expectation of being in the 95-99th percentile.
Some things I'm enjoying with him during this stage: his constant thumb and/or finger sucking. Although I tried forcing a pacie on him from the get-go, it really is nice to not have a kid reliant upon a pacie. Not that Emma uses it all the time...we only limit her pacie-sucking to naps and night time, but we're dreading the doom day of taking this away from her. Other things I love: his cooing and laughing at me. I can really get him going...he loves his Mommy, that's for sure. Sitting/leaving him up on the couch by himself. Oh my, how I'm going to miss this! I've forgotten how nice it is to just place a baby down, knowing that they cannot move from that spot. If this kid doesn't walk by his 1st birthday, I won't be dissappointed in the least. His "fat lip." THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER. If he gets scared or is tired, he puckers his lip out, in a pouting way and it's just the funniest thing! He doesn't immediately start crying....it's like a wind up to a cry. I'll have to get a picture of this, for sure.

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