Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Andy's 12 Month Challenge

At the beginning of the year, Andy set a goal to run one half-marathon once a month, for 12 months.

That's a big challenge.

A Tall Order.

That's hundreds and hundreds of miles. 


Did he accomplish his goal?

Hell YES he did.

And then some......

Let me lay out all of Andy's accomplishments this past year.

That's over 300 freaking miles in ONE year.  And that doesn't include all the training runs and rides that he did in between.

That's one heck of an accomplishment!  I am so incredibly motivated by his dedicated, passion, and commitment to this challenge.  I'm not sure I know of very many people that can commit themselves to something like this, all while keeping an incredibly demanding job AND staying active and supportive to me and our babies.

So am I proud?  Am I bragging? 

Hell yes I am.

Wouldn't you?!?

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