Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mr. Ghetto-Fabulous

Let me introduce you to Mr. Fabulous.  As in, Ghetto-Fabulous.

You see, Mr. Fab has been with me through some very monumental times in my life.  Most notably, the birth of my baby boy.  He’s taken some hits over the years; he’s been rear-ended by a truck, he’s been side swiped by the kid’s play-Jeep, he’s been battered and bruised by various flying objects that have come his way.  But the biggest hit that he’s taken of all, was when Andy rear-ended a fire hydrant whilst backing out of a driveway.  The “hit” itself wasn’t so bad……

Until he drove forward, thus removing part of Mr. Fab’s bumper.

That happened back in May.

And I’ve been driving him around, with a band-aid on his boo-boo ever since.  Until one mortifying day in the parking lot at SPX.

It was just another ordinary day at Pick-Up.  I was waiting in the back parking lot, minding my own business…probably catching up on Facebook, while Drew hung out in the back seat, doing what he does best (telling me stories about some ninja or bulldozer he saw that day).  All the while, completely obvious to the fact that Mr. Feb’s band-aid had come off, leaving his poor exposed boo-boo for all to see.

So when it was time for 2nd Pick-Up to roll around to the front parking lot, I drove Mr. Fab right around, with his boo-boo flapping for all to see.

And it wasn’t until I got out of the car to go chat with one of my mom-friends, that I saw it.

Needless to say, I’m no longer driving Mr. Ghetto-Fabulous around.  Andy has now been awarded with that privilege.

1 comment:

shiloh said...

Maybe you can find the little blue car you drove in college!! xo