Friday, May 1, 2015

The Wildcats

For the second year in a row, Emma played basketball at Upward. She really loves playing it, and we really love watching her! This year, she had a really good coach. He was the only one who actually taught the girls different plays. Such as “Square it up” or “Two”…..whatever those mean. At first, I thought it was a little excessive……I mean, they were the only team who had a (crazy) coach shouting out different plays. But after about the 3rd game or so, I got it.

And so did the girls.

They loved learning and then executing on those drills...seeing how they actually helped them in their games. I mean, they dominated all the other teams, just for the sheer fact that they were organized, and had a plan of attack.

It was awesome, and I can’t wait for next year!

Top: Quinn, Emma.   Front: Mary, Grace, Shannon, Marianna, Veronica, Can't Remember

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