Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Time

We decided to mix things up a bit this year by going to Russell Farms instead of our usual Stoneycreek Farms.  Emma went to Russell Farms with her class earlier this month, and she seemed to have a good time, so we thought: Why not?  Plus, we had a coupon for free admission!  (always a bonus)

She's so pretty.

And he's so handsome.

My babies.

Photo courtesy of Emma Swickheimer

Photo courtesy of Andrew Swickheimer

She was so proud. She found all the hidden seeds!

This was hilarious:
Emma was trying to put the putt-putt ball through the hole in the pipe.
Her various techniques of trying to do so had me rolling!

Welcome to Russell Farms!

The kids enjoying the donkeys.

Take 1
As per usual, Emma's smiling perfectly. And Drew is [surprisingly] smiling perfectly as well.
Except his eyes are closed.

Take 2
Me: "Now Drew. Do the exact same thing. Except keep your eyes open."
Drew: "Hey look momma, that donkey's pooping!"

Take 3
Emma is - once again - smiling perfectly.
Drew is watching the donkey poop.
[so is Dad]
I give up.

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