Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

So I'm sitting here watching Oprah's Favorite Things and I can't help but wonder....what are some of my favorite things?  Earlier this month, a lot of bloggers also posted their favorite things, in honor of 12/12/12. So why not jump on the bandwagon and list some of mine?

So here goes.

1. Starbucks Skinny Vanilla Latte.  At 130 delicious calories (for a grande), every sip is like a piece of heaven.  That I experience on a daily basis (Sorry Andy, that's the truth. I'm addicted.)

2. Oil of Olay.  Use it daily.  Have since I was 15.  And when I say daily, I mean EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Twice a day.

3. My [new] iPhone5.  Not sure there's anything more to say here, right?

4. Pinterest.  Aside from Starbucks, this has become a true addiction for me this year.  I'm on this site daily, pinning different ideas from craft projects to workout sessions to recipes.  It's unbelievable how much this has changed my life.  Seriously.

5. Spinning.  I cannot operate without spinning AT LEAST 3 times a week.  Don't believe me?  Well, then.  Check out this post.

6. New York & Co. Stretch Skinny Jeans.  Aside from the summer months, I wear these jeans a couple times a week.  They're about 3 years old now, but I don't care.  I dread the day when I can't wear them anymore.

7. Tervis Tumblers.  They keep your drinks cold, they are unbreakable, and they have a lifetime warranty.  Totally worth the investment!  

8. My tri bike.  This isn't just a bike to me; it's soooo much more.  It represents dedication, sweat, time, tears and energy that I put into transforming myself info an athlete.  But above all, it represents friendship.
*not my actual bike; no need to display pure greatness for all to see

9. Michael Kors perfume.  I've never been one to wear a variety of perfumes.  In fact, I think I could probably name all the different perfumes I've worn in my life:
  • Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth
  • Calvin Klein ck ONE
  • Clinque Happy
  • Ralph Lauren Romance
So there you have it: about 5 perfumes in my entire life.  I have a feeling that I'll be wearing Mr. Kors for a few more decades.  I consider it my "signature fragrance."

10. Seche Vite.  If you do your nails yourself, and have not heard of Seche Vite, then let me just introduce you to Seche Vite.  It will change your manicured life.

I repeat.

It will change your manicured life.

This stuff is the miracle of manicures.  It dries your nails in a matter of minutes.  Totally and completely dries them.  As in, go-ahead-and-try-to-play-with-your-kids.  -Or- go-ahead-and-do-some-housework.  THEY WON'T SMEAR!
11. Super-Size Fountain Beverages.  I know it's bad.  But I love 'em.  I gotta have 'em.  I only wish that we had a Discount Den here in town......oh how miss the Discount Den at Purdue!

12. Trashy Reality TV.  I don't watch much TV anymore, but when I do, it's complete trash: The Real Housewives (all cities except Miami), Teen Mom, Real World/Road Rules, and Jersey Shore. All horribly  trashy, pathetic shows that do nothing but entertain the HELL out of me!

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