Friday, March 25, 2011


For the past 6 months or so, I've become addicted to spinning.  But before I go off on this wonderful drug, left me explain the journey that got me to this addiction.

Last summer, I had had it.  I hated the way I looked in the mirror.  I hated my attitude I had towards myself.  And most frighteningly, I hated what example I was setting for my children.  Most obviously, to my daughter.  I had reached the heaviest weight I had ever been at in my life.  I was no longer feeling like myself, wearing my fashionable outfits and stilettos.  At that point, I was almost at the same weight when I was 8 months pregnant with Emma.  So sad.  And so gross!

So I told myself, "Enough!"  Enough of this gorging on food and feeling like a fat, lazy ass.

From that moment on, I started eating healthy and exercising religiously.  I got a full body assessment at Lifetime, where they gave me my target heart rate zones so that I could efficiently burn the most calories during my workouts.  (Best dang money I ever spent!)  Now, do I splurge and have a chocolate-dipped cone from DQ every now and then?  Heck yes I do!  I want to live and enjoy that wonderful deliciousness!  But I also know how to balance it out.  Which is what it's all about.

I'm not at my "goal" weight yet.  But I'm not worried.  It's not a race.  I'll get there.  Most importantly, I'm feeling so freaking fantastic, it's ridiculous.  I am the most fit I've ever been in my entire life.  I can spin for 2 hours straight like it ain't no thang!  When I'm on that bike, it's a beast takes over me and I feel like I can kick anyone's butt.  On most days, I wake up in anticipation, counting down the hours until my spinning class comes.  I just can't say enough, how much I love this drug! 

And I know that this attitude has benefited my daughter.  She loves to "stretch" and "exercise" too.  (It's hilarious, actually.  She looks at my fitness magazines and tries to emulate the Yoga poses.  It's claaaassic.)  Andy & I both want to raise our children in a healthy environment.  While we have no control over genetics (Hello, obesity on both sides!), we can control our eating and exercising habits, raising our children in an athletic and happy household.

So there you have it.  There's my spiel on this wonderful drug called spinning.  I can't WAIT for this weather to finally turn so that I can start riding outdoors again.  Bring on those 50 mile rides....hell, I might even do a century ride this summer!  Who knows?


Meg said...

Awesome. Motivating. Awesome.

shiloh said...

not gonna lie, brought a little tear to my eye...way to take the bull by the horns, and what an excellent role model for your little ones:)