Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Flood of '11

Here we go again.

Our house flooded.  Again. 

At this point in time, I am just so over it.  Because I know that not only will it happen again, but it will happen more frequently.  So we just need to get out.  We need to get out of this damn house that's caused nothing but an empty bank account and a heavy heart.  We've put so much sweat and money into it already, but really...it's just a notch on the belt.  It still needs so much more work.  But in the spirit of thinking positively, we're reaching out to our realtor to see what he says.  His motto is "Mr. Bill Sells Houses."......so let's see what kind of magic he can work to sell OUR house.

And get us the heck out of there!


The McClains said...

Oh no!! That's horrible. Did it ruin anything?

shiloh said...

Boo for the flooding. Where would you guys want to move too?