Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Same Love

Before reading this entry, please watch this video and listen to the lyrics:

Same Love

One of the most important things, as a parent, is teaching my children to love.  Love all.

Seeing beyond color, seeing beyond religion, seeing beyond sexual preference.

And I received one of the most gratifying rewards of this moral that I'm instilling in my children from my baby girl Emma.  As soon as this song came on the radio the other day, she said:
"Momma I know why this is your favorite song."
"Why's that, baby girl?"
"Because it's about love."

I'm tearing up as I recall the moment.

Because, while she's only six years old and doesn't yet understand the depth of this message, she understands that her Momma believes in love.  Loving all.

And isn't that what it's all about?!?....................

1 comment:

shiloh said...

that's awesome, I too love this song and what it shares:)