Monday, July 28, 2014

AYBS: The Thunder

Emma had a fantastic season of softball this past spring. It was her 2nd year on the minors (1st/2nd grade) and this year she was on team Thunder.

Team Thunder had some big shoes to fill. Their coach won the tournament the previous year, and he was looking for a repeat in these girls. Which was a tough task, with two - count them TWO - girls in preschool. Yes, preschool. We're talking, Drew's age. Why their parent's thought it was a good idea to put them on a team with 1st & 2nd graders is beyond me...

...but I guess it really didn't matter in the end. Because the Thunder WON THE TOURNAMENT!!! 

And what's even better, is that Emma truly enjoyed playing. She loved blasting the ball in the outfield. She loved singing the cute little chants that they sing in the dugout. She loved the friendships that she made.

And I loved watching her grow and play!

AYBS Champs!

Emma + Sydney
friends + teammates

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