Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Drew's Mid-Year Progress Report

Words cannot even begin to express how happy we are with Drew’s Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Habig. From the beginning of the school year, we knew there was something “special” about her…she had that energy and charismatic connection with children that a parent can only hope to have for their child.

When Drew first started Kindergarten, he could care less about learning. He had no desire to write his letters, let alone his name. Teach him how to add and subtract? Forget about it. He would rather play with cars, jump in mud, wrestle his sissy…anything but sit down and learn.

But fast forward a few weeks, and he started blossoming. Within a month or two he was reciting his letters, singing them in the car. He took notice of store names as we were about and about, verses flying his airplane through store aisles. He would tell us all about the Earth; about the different parts of an apple, naming each of them as I sliced one up.

So when Andy & I saw his progress report this week, I just about cried. (Okay. Let’s be honest. I didn’t “just about”….I did. Like a baby.) At the beginning of the year he was “Below Average” on the Letter Naming AND Sound Fluency metrics. Now, halfway through the year he is “Above Average” and even “Well Above Average” in Phoneme Segmentation Fluency and Nonsense Word Fluency. We couldn’t be more proud of him, not only in his educational development, but also his mental and emotional development.

And we attribute that – in large part – to our wonderful teacher. Teachers are a true blessing from God. And I'm truly blessed to have Ms. Habig as my baby boy’s teacher.

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