Monday, June 21, 2010

Alas...He's walking!

Drewbie hit a milestone this past week while we were on vacation in the Outer Banks. Although he's been taking a few steps here and there, they've never been more than 5 or 7 steps. It's almost as if he realizes that he's balancing himself, so then he would just plop down and, "Ohmygosh, I think I'm walking. This is way too complicated for me, so I'll just do what I know best. Crawl."

But, alas. Little man is on the prowl. Now, I must admit--when he gets anxious or lazy, he does resort to crawling. He knows that's the fastest means of transportation, so he'll resort to that at times. But for the most part, I now have two walking kiddos.

1 comment:

The McClains said...

Congrats, Drew! There is a whole world of new trouble you can get yourself into now that you are walking. :)