Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Letter To My Babies

I'm feeling rather sentimental this evening, so I thought it best to put pen to paper (er, fingers to keyboard?) and write a letter to my two babies.

My Sweet Little Girl Emma,

In just 4 short years, you have developed into such an amazing little lady.  Your wisdom, character, and wit keep me laughing every single day.  The things you say just blow my mind.  Not only are you the funniest little girl, but you are quick!  Your sharp wit keeps me on my the heck does a 4 year old know the things you do?!?  Oh, you're just amazing.

Funniness aside, you are one compassionate girl.  The way you look out for your little brother makes my heart melt.  Just today, as I turned off the kitchen light to go got all upset because Drew was still in the kitchen and you didn't want him to be left alone in the dark for even the 2 seconds it took me to turn around and pick him up.  And then later on, when tucking him in bed...after saying my usual, "Goodnight my little man.  Mommy loves you."  You say, "Goodnight my little Drewbie.  Sissy loves you."  Oh, it makes me tear up just thinking about it again.

You are my sweet little girl, Emma.  I love every ounce of your sweetness AND sassness.  You are one of a kind, Missy Lou.


My Sweet Little Baby Drew,

Oh, I love you so.  You are my little man with a cuddly heart of gold.  Although you are ALL boy--with your grunting, love for destruction and all things that roar--you are the sweetest, most loving little boy.  You make my heart melt from the moment you wake up until the second you fall asleep. 

Perhaps the one (and only) thing my genetics have passed along is your love for doggies.  You've loved them from the moment your pupils could focus.  You literally shake in excitement at the sight of any furry animal.  Oh, it is just the cutest thing!  Often times I feel guilty that we don't have a dog here for you to enjoy....but then I just get out your pillow pet and let you go to town on cuddling and rolling on the floor with it!  Again...the cutest thing!

You're now 18 months.  I keep begging you, on a daily basis, to PLEASE stop growing.  You're my baby boy, Drew.  My sweet little man Drewbie.  I love you more than I can express.


1 comment:

shiloh said...

what blessed little ones you have to have such a loving mommy:)