Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Emma's 1st Reading Assessment

Emma had her first reading assessment at school last week. 

And you have NO IDEA how proud I am of her!

I thought I was a proud momma the first time she rolled over.
I thought I was a proud momma the first time she took her very first steps.
I thought I was a proud momma when she was potty trained in 2 days.

And - don't get me wrong.  I was.  For sure.

But after getting the results back from her very first reading assessment, her first "official" indication of her scholastic ability that I've known for years........


There are just no words that I can put into sentences that could possibly describe how very proud I am of this little girl.  She is beyond amazing.  She is - and always has been since the day she was born - wise beyond her years.  Aacademically, physically, mentally.  Oh, I just love her so much.  She's so freaking awesome!

Exhibit A, Letter Naming Fluency (LNF)
She received a 97.4% accuracy, getting 38 correct and only 1 wrong scoring ABOVE AVERAGE than all other Kindergartners in the state of Indiana.  Her official recommendation is to "Consider Need for Individualized Instruction."  Meaning, individualized, accelerated course work.  Because she's so freaking fantastic that she's above and beyond her classmates.  (Okay, okay....I added that last bit in.)

Exhibit B, Letter Sound Fluency (LSF)
She received an 85.7% accuracy, getting 18 correct and 3 wrong which places her in the AVERAGE category (but only 1 answer away from Above Average). 

Left: LNF graph. You see that dot at the top? That's Emma. The square represents the "average" Kindergartner; the line represents where they want kids to be at this stage.
Right: LSF graph.  It's hard to see, but Emma's dot is right on the cusp of the top of the square. So she's technically in the "average" category.

1 comment:

shiloh said...

That is so awesome! Way to go Emma (and mom and dad of course)!!