Thursday, September 27, 2012

A New Day

Well, this post is long overdue.

As you know, I recently made a huge decision to quit my job so that I could spend more time with Emma and Drew.

And let me just tell you, it took me awhile to get to this place as my pride had me struggling with it for quite some time. However, after taking the day off of work to drop Emma off at her first day of Kindergarten, it was with 100% certainty that I could no longer go on working the way that I had been these past few years.

You see, I always envisioned being this “career girl,” being some hoity-toity buyer in NYC.

No kids.
No poopy diapers.
No carpools.

Then I fell in love and had a couple of them.

So things changed a bit, but I still thought I would be a working mom with a demanding job. I wanted to show my children that I could be a strong, successful business woman but yet still be and do all the “mommy” things.

But over the course of the past few months – well, years truthfully – my vision changed. Yes, I love working. Yes, I love being in a fast-pasted retail environment, where I manage accounts of some of the most exciting brands.

But I love my children more.

I love making felt food and pretend ovens out of cardboard. THAT’S what makes me most proud when I lay my head down on the pillow each night. THAT’S what makes me excited to wake up each morning.

Not some marketing brief for the next footwear launch.

So I took the plunge and gave my 2 weeks’ notice.

And then the unthinkable happened.

I was offered (without asking, mind you) a part-time position at Finish Line, allowing me the flexibility that I was wanting. What the what?!? I couldn’t believe it! Never in a million years did I think that they would offer such a thing. I was completely prepared to leave my former life – all 8+ years of it – at Finish Line behind me. I had begun the job search and in fact, had a few interviews lined up for some PT positions. But when this opportunity was presented to me, I couldn’t refuse! Who could? The opportunity to stay at a place I enjoy, working with people I genuinely love, for a boss who’s pretty cool. I’d be a fool not to accept.

So accept I did.

And I’m happy to say that I’m still employed at Finish Line. Only in a much less demanding position.  Working 4 hours a day Monday-Thursday in the office and from home on Friday.

To say I’m a fortunate and blessed individual would be an understatement.

1 comment:

The McClains said...

That's so great! I LOVE working part-time. I truly feel like it's the best of both worlds! Congrats