Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy Halloween!

She was so happy to be going Trick-or-Treating with her BFF, Josie!

Drew the Minion (love his dimple!)
Emma the St. Pius X cheerleader

So excited!
Didn't my mom do a FABULOUS job on Emma's costume?!? That's a handmade outfit, folks.

Our "spooky" house. Looked really cool at night!

Entryway to our house.
This really doesn't do it justice. The walkway was lined w/ Jack-O-Lantern milk jugs; there was a creepy  ghoul that "climbed" in the main window, with a strobe light going on in the background.

Lil' Minion eating some of the loot!

Two of our pumpkins.
So bummed I didn't take a picture of all of them.

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