Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sweetheart Dance

For weeks, Emma was SO EXCITED for the father-daughter Sweetheart Dance.  That's all she could talk about!  Grandma was even making a beautiful dress, where she got to pick everything out from the pattern to the fabric to the tulle.

But then grandma's sewing machine broke just as she was putting the finishing touches on it.

And when Papa arrived (because Andy was out of town) to take the princess to the ball and she became "embarrassed."

Hiding in corners.

Not wanting to take a picture.

Just being an overall cranky-butt (I'm being nice, here).

Quite honestly, I'm not sure who was more embarrassed: her or me?  After the way she acted and treated Papa, I was quite embarrassed on her behalf.  Who raised such an inconsiderate child anyway?!?

But after we all went out to dinner, she started acting better.  Although, I guess she got a little "embarrassed" again when she arrived at the dance.  But my dad said that as soon as she found her friends, she was off and running around with them.

Leaving my poor father to fend for himself with all the other poor saps who got stuck on the sidelines.

Sorry dad!  When Emma gets old enough to read this, she'll understand and apologize.......until then, we did get a couple of cute pictures in!

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