Tuesday, February 18, 2014

SPX Trivia Night

Oh, what a night.

Andy and I, along with three other couples, participated in SPX's annual Trivia Night.  This year's theme was "Holiday."  You could either dress up in attire appropriate for your favorite holiday destination, dress up AS your favorite holiday, OR do nothing.

Which is exactly what the majority of the attendants did.

But not us.

Oh no.  We went balls out.  We went as a group of passengers on a plane - where Matt and his friend, Adam were the pilots - that crashed en route to paradise.

We had black eyes, open wounds, life jackets, emergency exit procedures, flotation devices, broken heels, you name it.

Truth-be-told, we looked like a bunch of idiots, compared to the rest of the people there.  

But we sure had fun!

And we won!


We came in dead-last (pun intended), earning us $100 in a restaurant gift certificate.

Adam's open wounds. Which only lasted 2.2 seconds before they fell off.

I was pretty proud of my make-up efforts. That black eye looked real!

Pilot Matt and his flotation device!

At the time, this was fanFREAKINGhilarious!
This was Natalie's bandage that she used.
Which ended up on the floor at the end of the night.
Late night food session.
In the driveway.

Team "A Wing and A Prayer"

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