Thursday, February 27, 2014

Swickheimer Catch Phrases

There are certain phrases or words that are said - mainly by Drew - that Andy gets a hold of........and then he uses the youknowwhat out of them!  We always say that we need to write these down so that we can remember them.  

So here we go.

peep and poop
mutagent ooze
Pickle Pants / Prickle Pants
Are you trying to wrestle me? (said when it doesn't make any sense)
Uh-huh, honey (famed by Kanye West/Kim Kardashian)


shiloh said...

Ha! How did "creeper" come into his vocab?! "peep and poop" make total sense:)

Chrissy said...

'creeper' is a character in Plants vs. Zombies....a game Drew is totally obsessed with.