Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Aint' It Funny...

how we--despite our best efforts not to--end up like our parents?!? I was just having a conversation with my dad the other day, where it occurred to me that I had become a parent to him. And I've been doing the same thing to my mom for some time now, too. We were talking about doctor's appointments, and the conversation quickly became me telling my dad that he needed to schedule his yearly check-ups, get his skin looked out frequently, so on and so forth. And with my mom---well I'm constantly nagging at her to make sure she scheduled her dermatologist appointment, her eye appointment, etc.

It just made me I am, barking at my parents to make sure they are keeping themselves as healthy as possible. Not only do we do it to our own children, but soon enough we find ourselves parenting our own parents.

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