Thursday, April 15, 2010

My (Other) Man Drew

Sometimes I just love my job. I work in a cool industry, where I get to (occasionally) meet celebrities. Mainly athletes. So when I found out that Sports Illustrated was bringing Drew Brees in as our guest speaker during our National Manager's Meeting, I almost peed my pants!


Yes, I am a die-hard Colts fan. Yes, Drew Brees and the Saints beat my Colts for the world championship this year. But my roots are strong and I've always had a thing for Drew. You think it's a coincidence that my son's named DREW?!?

I digress.

Drew Brees gave an amazing speech. Not only is the man articulate, but he just has the gift of public speaking. He's personable, precise, heart-warming, and thought-provoking. I'm no young duck--so when I hear the "go-get-em-tiger" speeches I'm like, "Yeah, right....can we talk reality, please?" But I don't know---there was something about his delivery that re-energized me.

Or hell--Maybe I'm just celeb-struck with a great quarterback, from Purdue, who has a little boy on the cover of SI...who just happens to be named Drew.

1 comment:

The McClains said...

I'm jealous! Love Drew Brees! GO BOILERS!