Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back To Work

After six weeks off, Andy finally had to go back to work yesterday. To me, having six weeks off is awesome. However Andy feels otherwise. He wants his 9 weeks off that he normally has! You see, he started his first day yesterday as the Assistant Principle of the main campus. (He was formally the Dean at the Freshman Campus.) All administrators have to go back to school 3 weeks before school starts. Which means lots of conferences, meetings, and other "fun" stuff.

He's very excited about the change. He's nervous, but that's always a good sign that you've moved on to a more challenging position. I'm happy that he's not going to be constantly dealing with disciple. That was taking a tole on him. I think just earlier this year, I was looking at him thinking, "Man, he looks beat down." (And I mean that in the most loving way.) Dealing with kid's discipline problems, emotional problems, the parent's problems...is hard one's body. So we are both happy and welcoming of this change!

And for my own selfish reasons: I'm excited to be getting back to a routine! With Andy off during the summer, the kid's got to stay up later, which meant absolutely NO downtime for me or Andy; which also means bedtime for me got pushed back to 11:00. I think I only got an average of 5-6 hours of sleep during the workdays. Ugh.

1 comment:

The McClains said...

That's awesome for Andy! Congratulations and good luck w/the new school year. :)