Monday, August 2, 2010

Indiana Beach

We took Emma to her first amusement park, and boy can I just say IT WAS our destination of choice was Indiana Beach. And I use the word amusing in a loving manner. (Let me be frank: I think all mobile home residences in a 120-mile of Monicello were there. I kid, I kid. Kinda.)

Anyway, we didn't tell Emma about our trip until she got in the car. I didn't want to hype anything up, because I didn't want to disappoint. (And plus, there are enough things I hang over her head when she's being a bad girl.) So we packed the car up, swimming suits included. However, we went into it thinking we probably wouldn't do any of the water rides because there are plenty of other rides to do in one day....and history proves that we only last 3 hours at things like these. And it turns out, the rides were plenty!

Just as soon as we got there, we jumped right into the rides. Emma has no fear. Both Andy & I have known this for some time now, but she shows just how unafraid she is at almost every single ride she went on. She's 44" high, right at the cut-off for almost every ride there, so she was able to go on all the "THRILL" ones. The Scrambler, Flying Bobs, Tilt-A-Whirl, Galaxi Coaster.....all were enjoyed with "no hands." And I don't know if it's age, but Mommy had to sit out for a couple of rides while her stomach settled! But not Emma....

1 comment:

shiloh said...

looks like she had a blast!