Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Open House

Kid's Kastle had their Open House last night, so I drug the whole family out, despite Andy's lack of enthusiasm. I knew it would be cute to see all the fun things the kids do. Plus, it gives me a chance to hear just how well-behaved Emma is. (Insert a tiny snicker here.)

As expected, they had treats galore in the cafeteria. Which meant I had to play cop to Emma's little fingers. That girl would eat a whole mountain of sugar if no one was looking! In between the piles of donuts and taffy, were little stations of all the activities that Kid's Kastle offers. As if you don't pay enough as it is on tuition, they torture you with all the fun things that you NEED to enroll your kid in additionally. And of course, Andy & I get suckered into a lot of them. But I mean, Emma just HAS to do dance class because I did the exact same class when I was there. And she HAS to take Spanish classes so that she's able to talk to 25% percent of her peers once she enters elementary school. Right? Right?!?...

So anyway, after we looked at all the "can't-miss" extra curricular activities, we headed to each of the kid's classrooms. Emma was up first, so I had a chance to touch base with Miss Brenda. I wanted to get the real scoop on how Missy Lucille acts. And the verdict is in: Emma, for the most part, obeys and does what she's told. For the most part. Miss Brenda explained that she has trouble with clean up time. Hmmmm, no surprise there. The only time the girl cleans up is when she's at Grandma's. But I'm convinced that Grandma gives her crack, because Emma is so damn addicted to wanting to go to Grandmas ALL THE TIME. So why wouldn't she clean up at Grandma's?'s easy to do what your drug-dealer asks of you, right?

Wow. Did I really just compare my mom to a drug dealer?

I digress.

Back to Emma's behavior. Miss Brenda says that she gets along great with the other kids; she's well-ahead of the curve when it comes to academia. They had their "artwork" up in class, where Miss Brenda explained that they're focusing on tracing and learning numbers and letters. Well, let me just tell you: my little 3 year old already knows how to spell her name, thankyouverymuch. Although an untrained eye may not be able to read it, but nonetheless. She knows her numbers. Go Emma! The one area where Emma could use some improvement on is....get this....patience. What?!? It seems as though if there is a toy she wants, or if she wants to play on the swing and someone else is using it, she either 1) throws a fit, or 2) has a slight history of pushing her way to get it. Now I haven't had any notes sent home, saying she threw a kid off the teeter-tooter, so I'm thankful there. But I must admit there was a slight smirk on my face when Miss Brenda told me that. Hey, the girl knows what she wants. Can't say I really blame her.

After talking with Miss Brenda, it was on to Drewbie's room. The "Kelly's" were there, eagerly awaiting our arrival. (There are two "teachers" in Drew's room: Miss Kelly and Miss Kelly.) And can I just tell you that I love these two! They are so loving, always giving Drew kisses and hugs. And they are so good with the babies. The do circle time and finger painting and silly songs and story time and playtime. They snuggle and love. They give such great attention to these babies. I just love them! And I secretly think that Drew's their favorite. They constantly say how cute he is and how lovable he is. And that's my little man!

One question that I was dying to ask was, "How in the world do they get him to sleep on that little cot?" All the babies take naps on these little cots (the same sized-ones that the big kids use) and it just blows my mind to think that they can actually keep them on these for the entire length of nap-time! She explained that it took some time to get used to, but that they eventually learn to lay down and go to sleep. Miss Kelly said that Drew loves to nuzzle with the other kid's pillows, so she suggested that I get him one. Which is no surprise. My little man loves dogs and all things fluffy. He literally rolls around on the ground with fluffy items. It's truly the cutest thing!  I'll have to post a video of this soon.

I could go on and on, but I think I've written enough for one entry. If you're still reading this, I'm impressed. I would have moved on by now.  You know, with my (lack of) impatience and everything.

1 comment:

The McClains said...

Ha ha ha! You are so funny. I always love reading about your life. You have such a good way of making it entertaining. :)