Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Love Being a Mom....And Working!

Gasp! I know that there are some individuals out there who are thinking, "Oh, you horrible mother, you. You actually enjoy leaving your children--the children who you birthed--to WORK?!? Shame on you!" Well, to those who say that--or even think that--I say "Shame on YOU."

I love my children more than life itself. I wouldn't think twice about removing all my appendages for my two little miracles. But I also love to work. I also have a strong sense of self, and I know that this self isn't meant to stay at home and watch the household and children all day long. And most importantly, I know that there is absolutely, undoubtedly nothing wrong with that.

But let me be clear: This is not a bash against stay-at-home-moms. I think those women who are able to stay at home and watch children are spectacular! I've always said that it takes a special person to do this, AND keep the house clean, AND make meals, AND keep their relationship intact. So don't get me wrong--I'm not a "SAHM-Hater." I'm simply saying that I enjoy being a "WM"---working mom. I thrive on being a busy individual. To me, it keeps things interesting. I love that my "typical" day involves sheer madness, a crazy game of get-the-kids-dressed/fed/cleaned-so-that-we-can-move-on-to-the-next-thing! I love that I'm able to provide for my family, and knowing that what I do during the day lets us do all the fun memory-making activities that we're so blessed to be able to do. I love knowing that my kids are always dressed to the nines because of the money I'm able to contribute to our household income. I love that each night, when I lay my head down on my pillow, I get a sense of total fulfillment in my life.  And get this....I LOVE my job.

1 comment:

The McClains said...

Yeaaa! Amen, sister. I am SO not meant to be a full-time SAHM. Our whole family would be miserable if I was! :) I could not agree with you more. It's fun to have friends out there who share so much in common. :)