Monday, October 4, 2010

5 Year Anniversary

Andy & I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Friday. FIVE YEARS. I know most people seem to say, "Wow, I can't believe it's been five years already." But I don't know....for me, it seems like we've been married much longer than that. We've had two children in the timeframe, moved into a new house, basically re-gutted that house, moved my mother-in-law twice, gone through a couple of deaths (unfortunately), gone through the death of a pet, gone through sibling catastrophes.....I feel like I've almost lived a lifetime with Andy. But yet, I know that I have so much more to experience and haven't yet even seen the cusp of it.

And that excites me.

I love this little life we've created. And it all started with a simple request to set his beers down....


shiloh said...

happy anniversary you two! hope it was a wonderful and wish you many, many more!!

The McClains said...

Congrats on 5 years! Can't believe how quickly it has flown by. Here's to a long and happy life together! (Clink!). :)