Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Emma's 4-Year Stats

Well, it's been officially confirmed. Emma is a beast.

She had her 4-Year well check-up, where they check her height and weight (and I guess BMI....this was the first time I've seen this measurement). At a whooping 46 inches (that's 3'10"), my big girl is 53 lbs. She's in the 99th percentile for both height and weight! And when the doctor first walked in the room, her exact words were "Wow." As in, she couldn't believe that she was only 4 years old. She asked if most people assume she's a 6 year old. And the answer to that is an astounding, Yes. Not only for her shear size, but she's also developmentally ahead of the game.

Am I bragging? Hell yes I am. I am so proud of my "little" girl. I'm proud that she's a super-achiever; I'm proud that she stands a head taller than all her classmates; I'm just so proud of my Emma!


The McClains said...

Yea, Emma! Love her! :) Gwyn has he 2 year check up next month and I'm excited to hear about her stats. I think she is going to be a big girl, too! :)

shiloh said...

Nice work Emma (and mom and dad) on being such a smart and healthy lady! She most likely won't need a fake id in college:)