Monday, March 5, 2012

Some Surprise Videos by Emma Lucille

So the other night we were playing some music videos on our Apple TV - as we do any normal normal night - where Emma and Drew do some singing and dancing for our entertainment. This night was especially fun for them because they had an expanded audience: Nana and Uncles Matt & Pat.

We're watching them do the usual: Madonna Super Bowl halftime show, a couple Kid's Bop videos........then out of the blue we see these videos.

Turns out Missy Lucille got a hold of Andy's phone and started recording some "videos" of her own.

Can't. Stop. Laughing.

Tears of laughter streamed down everyone's faces. It was hilarious.

Emma is seriously THE funniest little 5-year old I know.



1 comment:

shiloh said...

Oh goodness, those are so funny! I love "God made me"!!