Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St. Patty's Day 2012

Well, I was a "bad mom" this year because I didn't take very many St. Patty's Day pics.  Or do any St. Patty's Day crafts like I had hoped.  Or decorate the house like I normally do.  Or go on a hunt for a pot of gold like I had planned.

But that didn't mean we didn't celebrate!

Because celebrate we did!!

From an outfit perspective (because - let's face it - that's what's really important, right?!?), Emma has plenty of green in her wardrobe, so we made sure to wear green every day last week...ending with the last few days of the week wearing her St. Patty's day tees in particular.  Super important.  (I think Drew wore an outfit that had some green in it on Saturday...but he could have cared less...only thing he cares about these days is being a little mischievous little booger.  Oh, and poopy.  Seriously.  The kid is turning into quite the little handful.  Who loves to talk about poop.) 

On Saturday morning, we awoke to have found that those mischievous Leprechauns had not only turned the toilet water green, but they had left a trail of green towels, shirts, and shorts from Emma's bed to the staircase.  I wonder why they would have done that?!?  Oh, wait!  Emma knew: "...because they can only walk on green things and our carpet's brown. They came into my room to sprinkle magic dust on me to make me lucky."


Because it certainly wasn't because Mom was feeling guilty that I hadn't done anything else for St. Patty's day, so I just threw a bunch of green crap on the floor....

Certainly not.

But I DID make some yummy St. Patty's Day snack mix that I found on the best site ever, Pinterest.  Check out the recipe here if you're interested.

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