Saturday, December 29, 2012

Breakfast With Santa

Earlier this month, we kicked the holiday season off at St. Pius' Breakfast With Santa.  This is a pretty big production that the school puts on every year, to benefit their athletic program.  Pancakes, sausage, fruit & cookies are all served while waiting for Santa to arrive.  They also have dozens of vendors that fill the gym with various items that you can purchase.  There was a huge selection......ranging from puppets to jewelry to furniture to glass bottle art.  So I picked up a Colts necklace for Karen and a beautiful leather-and-silver angel necklace for myself.  

Reason #461 why I love SPX:
Emma received a letter from Santa, thanking her for the letter she wrote him.  It included all the things she asked for, and some info on how hard the Elves are working to get everything completed.  As you can see, it was a pretty long letter, customized for her.  I mean, how cool is that?  And how neat is it that someone took the time to write these letters for all the kids!

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