Friday, February 19, 2010

Emma's First Gymnastic Class

So exciting! As soon as I got home and walked through the door Emma screams, "I GET TO GO TO GYMNASTIC CLASS, I GET TO GO TO GYMNASTIC CLASS, I GET TO GO TO GYMNASTIC CLASS." You would have thought Santa Claus himself was making an appearance at the Swickheimer household! She could not get her leotard on fast enough. Er, excuse me--her "gymnastic class suit."

We put her in the 4-5 year old class. She's only 3.25 years old, but she's really ahead of the game developmentally, physically, and socially. And how did she do?!? Well, you be the judge...

After class was over, all the kids got to swing on the rope wall. They loved it!

She did such a good job: she waited patiently until the coach told her it was her turn.

Oh, she loved this!...swinging from the rope and falling into the foam pit!

She has great beginning balance beam skills

1 comment:

shiloh said...

Way to go Emma! I love it:)