Friday, February 26, 2010

I Feel Like a New Woman

I need to start "upkeeping" myself a little better. I used to get my hair hilighted regiliously, my brows and bikini waxed every 4-6 weeks, and a mani and/or pedi every few weeks. But, as most moms do, I've let these things go by the way-side. Not only for finanical reasons (damn my hair's expensive!) but for sheer laziness. This has GOT to stop. I already feel poorly in the fact that I've gained a few (okay, fine...quite a few) lbs. But that doesn't mean that I need to completely let myself go. That's how it all starts. You start to feel yucky b/c you've packed on the pounds after baby. You don't have the time, energy, or finances to put towards yourself so you decide to just let it be. Well I'm stopping this now.

It's not just for selfish reasons either. My whole attitude changes when I'm feeling good. My relationships at work are more positive, my relationship with my husband is stronger, and my kids also benefit from a happy and healthy Mommy. I love it when Emma says, "When I'm bigger, I'm going to run like Daddy." Soon enough, she'll be saying that in regards to BOTH Mommy and Daddy, compliments of my mini-marathon training! Speaking of--I'm going into week 6 of training. My longest run has been almost 5 miles (about 4.75). Of which I ran straight through! 50 minutes of straight running. No stopping, standing, or walking! Crazy!!!!

So no more of this black rootage, hairy beast, extra-extra poundage. Keeping myself well groomed, happy and healthy makes me a fresh new woman!

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