Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Has Jewelry Lost its Luster?

Besides the beautiful, sparkling, giant rocks we all want on our finger to signify the commitment to our husband, do we really even care about jewelry anymore? This subject came up the other day during lunch. And think about it---what girl, under the age of 40, really loves expensive custom jewelry like that of the 20’s and 30’s? Sure, we love our engagement ring(s) rings like I said, and true, we’d love some simple diamond stud earrings. But you really don’t see any young women wearing rubies and sapphires and crystals like they did decades ago. (And I’m not talking about the Forever 21ish-kind-of-jewlry. I’m talking true, expensive, statement pieces.) It’s more about simple silver bracelets, necklaces and rings. Example: the toggle Tiffany bracelet. Or the charm bracelet (or necklace) that many young moms wear. It seems as though the trend is really towards simplicity.

I’m sure my husband would love to read this entry.

And, Boo…if you are. Those diamond studs earrings I mention above? I’d LOVE some.

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