Thursday, August 11, 2011

Emma's Keys

It's crazy to me what Emma chooses to grab a hold of.  A couple of days ago, while at the hardware store, she saw a bungee key chain.  You know those plastic, spiral ones?
She was determined that she needed one for her "Jeep keys."  So Daddy played along and bought her this silly key chain.  He even added a few of his unused keys to it.

Well that key chain must have some magical powers.  Because she hasn't let it out of her sight for the past week.  She wears it all day, every day like it's a fashionable accessory......and heck, who knows?  Watch this turn into the next "slap bracelet."  Remember those?!?

Exhibit A.  She wears it on bike rides.

Close up of her "accessory."

Exhibit B.  She wears it to bed.

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