Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kindergarten Mass

The two Kindergarten classes hosted Mass last week.  Emma a had a speaking part during the petitions, and she did such a fantastic job.  Especially considering that her part was changed at the last minute due to the tragedies that happened in Moore, OK.  She was supposed to pray for the military; instead she prayed for the families affected by the tornadoes.

Just when I think I can't be any more proud of my baby girl, she goes and shines even brighter.  While all of the children were just precious, the majority were hard to understand as they spoke into the microphone.

But when Emma stepped up there, A) you could see her perfectly because she's so tall and B) she spoke clearly and slowly.  She only tripped over one word.  "God," which she oftentimes confuses with "good."

Dear Lord, Be with the people in Oklahoma who have been affected by the tornadoes, may they feel God is with them as they try to rebuild their lives and communities.  We pray to the Lord.

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