Wednesday, May 15, 2013

When Ya Gotta Go....

......ya gotta go!

Drew has made a new friend (Issac) at Emma's softball games.  His older sister and Emma are teammates, so Drew & Issac get to play with each other for an hour at least three times a week.  Which is great, because I don't have to entertain him the entire time.  He and Issac love to do "boy" things:
- Karate chop weeds
- hunt for rolly-pollies
- play ninjas with sticks
And last night was no different......they were off playing with dirt in the little playground area.  I always check every few minutes to make sure he's okay and within a reasonable amount of distance from me.

So as I'm looking over my should, what do I see?!?

Drew, proceeding to pull his pants down.

At first I was like, "What?!? Is he? Wait. He IS."

Oh my Gawd.

Drew was starting to take his pants off, and was just about to pull his little underpants down to take a leak!!!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

Andy takes off running towards him.  He's frozen still, wondering what all the fuss is about.

Meanwhile, I'm in stitches with my mom and Issac's dad.....just laughing hysterically at what we just witnessed.

Because, hey.  When ya gotta go, ya gotta go!

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