Friday, April 22, 2011

Dentist Appointment

The kid's had their bi-annual cleaning exam at the dentist's office yesterday. While Emma's a seasoned veteran, this was Drew's first time. Little man was just has happy as ever, playing and smiling away! And although I wasn't there, Andy said that both kids were really good for the dentist. In fact, Andy actually had a sad, little story to tell. While waiting for their turn, they were playing together with all the fun toys and books (we take them to a Pediatric Dentist)...then made their way over to the giant fish tank. They called Emma's name first, where she walked right over to the dental assistant, eager to get in the big chair. When Daddy asked if she wanted him to go with her, my 14-year old--I mean FOUR year old--said, "No I'm okay." And she went right in to the dentist's chair herself.


I know we have raised her to be a very independent and strong soul (okay, fine....whatever...she may have came out of the womb like that...I guess I can't take too much credit for a hereditary trait), but there are moments every now and then where it stings ever so slightly that she doesn't "need" us to be with her. Andy had one of those moments yesterday.

So, anyway. It's was then Drew's turn to head in. He was very good, just sitting on Daddy's lap, allowing the dentist to look into his mouth. Everything looked fine and dandy, so he got his picture taken with Dr. Fuhrer and picked out a "prize" in the basket of goodies.

I love the little report cards that our dentist gives; so cute!


The McClains said...

Oh my gosh, what a great dentist experience! I'm dreading Gwyn's first visit. She fights having her teeth brushed and generally hates doctors. I think it is going to be a rough time. Wish I could take her to your dentist!

Sean Butcher said...

Aw~ Prepare yourselves more! Someday, your children will grow and think more mature. There will be more sad moments that you will encounter through the years. Just give yourselves a pat on the back 'cause you're able to raise your children well. By the look of the dentist's report card, your children showed a fantastic behavior and a good set of tooth. :)

Sean Butcher