Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Rockies

Emma started her first practice of T-Ball yesterday.  We signed her up for a co-ed program for 4-year olds at First Baptist Athletics, where she's on team Rockies.  It's a huge program located at 86th & College.  She has practice every Monday, with a couple Saturday practices, and "games" going through June.  And the best part?....Andy was volun-told as an assistant coach.  He signed up to help with field maintenance, but they just assigned him a position as an assistant coach!  I know he'll have fun though, and from what I could tell he did!  However, I was busy chasing around a 2-year old who just wanted to play ball with the big kids.  (In fact, I got my first, "Go bye-by momma" from Drew, complete with a hand push-off.  Poor kid, he just wanted to play ball and be a boy with the rest of them.)

This isn't the best picture, but it's all I could get in, between running around and chasing Drewbie.  I'll be getting plenty more of Emma running the bases and of Andy coaching.

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