Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

That's what my life has been like lately.  I've been absent from blog posting (sorry Dad), discombobulated at home (now where did I put my keys?), and in a sour mood at work.  One of my major pet peeves are people who cry at how busy they are, so here I am.  Becoming my own pet peeve.

But last night, after a fantastic spin class, it occurred to me why I've been "out of sorts" lately. 


It's totally my drug and if I don't get my high at least 3 times a week, I become ugly.  Not only do I drag ass, but I just become short-tempered and impatient.  Spinning has absolutely become a part - no, make that a NECESSITY - of my life.  Now that the weather's finally getting warmer, I've been able to ride outside (and I must take 2point2 to brag about my 38 miler the other day.  Did it on my Flex Friday. Felt so good, so powerful. Totally ready to take on the 75K I'm doing in a few weeks.).....but riding outside doesn't give me that immediate "high" I need.  There's something about kicking ass for 60 minutes straight, burning 850 calories and sweating it all out. 

I'm getting excited just thinking about it now!

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