Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Emma's First T-Ball Game

Emma's first official T-Ball game was held this past weekend.  As you can imagine, it was the cutest thing to witness.  A bunch of 4-year olds standing around, not really knowing what to do.  Some were looking up in the sky at the ducks that would pass by, others (including my daughter) were busy making shapes in dirt on the field, while others were either picking their nose or their butt.  But they all had their team t-shirts on, cleats, helmets, and mits and looked stinkin' cute!!!

We don't keep score at this age; the main goal is that they just have fun.  For most of them, this is the first time they're being introduced to an organized team sport.  So just getting a basic understanding of the fundamentals is really what it's about.  Every kid gets a chance to hit the bat, and every kid gets to run the bases.

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