Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Look Ma, No Hands!

Now that the weather has started to turn, we've began taking family bike rides.  During one of these rides, I noticed that Emma wasn't really using her training wheels a lot; they were still attached, but it was as if she was balancing herself, just using the two training wheels every once in a while.  So I made a comment to her that we needed to teach her how to ride without those wheels.

So the next weekend, we took the wheels of one of her bikes (Yes, she has two. She's spoiled. What can I say?!?...),  thinking that she'd have one with training wheels and one case she wasn't ready. 

Well.  I'm not sure what we were thinking: wasn't ready?!?


The girl got the hang of it after 20 or 30 minutes.

And I'm not exaggerating.  Andy literally walked behind her about 4 times before we saw that she got the hang of it.  So we packed up her bike and took her to our neighborhood's church parking lot so she had some wide open space to ride.

(BTW, these pictures and videos were taken last Sunday.  As of last night, she's now a full-on non-training wheel rider.  Able to start, stop, and turn without hesitation.)

Check it out.  It's amazes me how quickly she got the hang of it.

Wait.  No it doesn't.  She's my daughter.

And here's some footage of her first fall, after fully getting the hang of it.  I think she got a little too confident; she was going a little too fast while taking the turn....

1 comment:

shiloh said...

Way to go Emma! Watch out Lance:)