Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Drew!

Dear Drewbie,

Before I’m able to even start this letter, tears of joy are streaming down my face. I love you more than words can even describe. You are my little man; my little baby boy who I adore more than ever. You and your big sister bring so much joy, love, and fulfillment to my life.

It is hard to believe that just short two years ago, I gave birth to the most precious baby boy. From the moment you came into this world, you were just a sweet, sweet boy who loved to nestle in softness of anything fluffy. You loved your papasan, which surrounded you with the comfort of it’s plushness. After sleeping in it for 6 months straight, it’s no wonder that you’ve taken a liking to doggies and your blanket so much! Every night, I look forward to checking on you before I go to bed. You are the most sweetest thing, all cuddled in your blanket and over-sized doggie.

Your vocabulary has really blossomed these past few months. And the wonderment that spreads across your face when you see something new is pure excitement. Anything from a tiny ant gets you animated: “Ant! Ant!” We call you our little Ant Hunter.

Oh, Drewbie. You’re just so amazing. I love you more than life itself. Happy birthday my little man. May you continue to bring decades more of love, enjoyment, and happiness to our lives.


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