Wednesday, June 29, 2011

OBX Vacation 2011

We had another wonderful family vacation at beautiful Outer Banks last week. We love the family-orientated feel that OBX offers, so we've made this vacation an annual getaway for the Swickheimers. This year though, my mom made the trip out with us which was great! And aside from the few moments were she was "Swickheimered-Out", I think she really enjoyed herself.

All loaded up, ready to hit the road!

Taking a little snooze on the 13+ hours it takes to get there.

Here she is, our home for the week: "Just Chillin'"

From our house, we pass by a small pond on our way to the beach. There were dozens of turtles that would come up out of the water and actually take food from your hands.  The kids (and Uncle Pat) thought this was the coolest thing!)

Our first evening stroll on the beach.

On our first night's visit to the ocean, we saw this dead stingray that had washed up on the shore.  I've always had a love/fascination for sting rays so I thought this was pretty cool!

And Pat has a fascination/love for crabs (well, any animal really), so he was determined to catch one again this year.  Although it's tiny, he caught one!

Not to be outdone by her Uncle Pat, Emma had to catch a critter.  So she caught some small jellyfish.  There were dozens of these tiny (dead) ones washed ashore.  Which she named Bitty. 

My little man, carrying his shovel, on the way to the beach. 

Here's her annual shot of being "buried" in the sand. 

Drew had no interest in the ocean.  The unpredictable waves still scare him a bit, so he played it safe in the sand.  Getting it EVERYWHERE.

We had a chance to fly some kites one windy afternoon, as a small storm blew overhead.

There it is, up in the sky!

Ahhh, this is the life...

And some of my favorites shots of my babies: 

Cousins!  Emma and Brennan had a fun time together, playing (and competing against) each other.

Pool time!

Andy & I were able to have one night together, where we went out to a nice dinner at the Fin and Claw restaurant.  He enjoyed a local beer from the Outer Banks Brewing Company.  Next year, we'll have to get a case of this wheat was so good!

From the Swickheimers, with love.  Good bye, Outer Banks.  Until next time...

1 comment:

The McClains said...

So nice! That looks like it was a great vacation! I love the OBX. Glad you all had fun.