Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Noblesville Homecoming Parade

Every year, the students at Noblesville put on a Parade through the streets of downtown Noblesville to celebrate their Homecoming Game. The students involved in extra-curricular activities create different floats, with all sorts of different themes. Some of the themes that they did this year were Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk, and The Incredibles. The band kicked off the parade, followed by the football players and of course - the cheerleaders. They were a big hit with Emma.

It was a rather short parade, in comparison to a more "official" parade, but it was perfect. It was so cute to see all the kids on the back of trucks or convertibles. They're having the time of their lives and I just thought it was so cute to watch. Oh, how it feels like only yesterday I was wearing my "Senior Boxers" and acting like a hot fool! As evident below.

Waiting for the parade to start!

Always with a truck.

I think the coolest thing for the kids was riding on the gator!

Ah, yes.
The memories!

HSE Homecoming 1997.

1 comment:

PSwicksnowboarder said...

YES! A picture of Drewby playing with the dump truck (without garbage) I got him for X-mas 2010. I wonder if it still makes any sound after the big flood?