Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Emma's First Soccer Game

Emma's first soccer game was held this past Sunday, where she jumped straight into a game. There were no practices or drills before jumping straight into her first official game. Reason being, A) the weather. Rain + mud = a cancelled practice. And B) she missed the first "official" practice because we signed her up late. Whoops.

So how did she do?!?....well, I'm happy to report that I think she's going to like it! Unlike baseball, there is more running around and "playing" involved in soccer. Emma didn't care too much for baseball because the majority of the time, the kids just stood there in the field. Remember this post?  They were either more concerned with the planes flying in the sky, or with the shapes they could make in the dirt. 
Well, with soccer, there's really no time for that.  Which, as Martha would say, is a good thing.
Emma is on the U6 league (under 6) with the Glendale Soccer Association.  The same league that Daddy played in 30+ years ago (in the freaking '70s......before I was even born. Ha!), where he actually met his long time friend, Quincy.  It was kinda sentimental; Emma's first game was against Quincy's son's team.  So I think they had a good time "reminiscing."

Looking "tough." 
As per usual, she's the biggest kid on the team. Both teams. I think maybe even the entire U6 league. Someone asked if she was 7 or 8.
She's 4.

Emma getting after it. You can't really see her from this shot, but she's dribbling the ball behind #2.

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