Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Don't Know How She Does It

Have you seen the previews for this movie with SJP?!? I can't wait to see it. Not only because I'm an SJP fan (Carrie Bradshaw will forever hold a place in my heart), but this struck a chord with me. People often ask me, "How the heck do you do it?!?" Meaning how do I:
  • work a full time job
  • train for triathlons
  • be an engaging Mommy to my 2 awesome kids
  • be an awesome wife to an awesome husband
  • all while still finding time for myself?!?

And here's my short answer.

I just figure it out.

1) I want to work. In fact, I like working. I love my job. (I know, I know. I've mentioned this before quite a few times.) But in all sincerity, this is key in my mind. You've GOT to find something that you enjoy doing. Period.

2) I want to work out. I want to lead a healthy lifestyle for not only myself, but for my children as well. This is a huge priority for Andy & I. Remember this post (click here)?!? Bottom line = I make the time to get a work out in.

3) I want to be an engaging Mommy. I have the two best kids ever. I love my Missy Lucille and my little man Drewbie. I can't imagine my life without these two little beings. So I make the time for my munchkins. And I make it count. I just don't sit around and let them watch TV. I interact with them. I do things with them.

4) I want to be an awesome wife. Do I succeed at this every single second of every single day? Hell no. But I give it my best effort every morning that I wake up. I made a commitment in front of my family and God, and I value that commitment. So I work at it. Every. Single. Day.

5) I still find time for myself. Uber-important. Even if it's only 10 minutes a day. Which - let's be honest - that's about as much as I get right now. Some days (okay, most days) this is achieved with item #2. Working out. If I go 2 or 3 days without working out, the whole world knows: Momma isn't happy. So it's imperative that I take the time for myself to re-focus my energy and priorities. I can't tell you how much this has improved my life!

Now, don't get me wrong. There are days when I feel like I'm not succeeding at one of these. Like: missing an outing at Emma's preschool because of other responsibilities. How much of a Scheisse-Kopf do I feel like that I'm not one of the parental chaperons at the visit to the apple orchard?!? Or like: going a whole day without so much as having a true "adult" conversation with my husband. But you know what?!?.....that's life. Everything is not going to be 100-freaking-percent at all times.

But you know what else? That doesn't matter. I lead the life that I want to lead with the man I want to lead it with, doing the job that I like to do. I've set my priorities in life, and when things go astray, I just figure it out.

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