Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Five Year Check-Up

Hard to believe, but Emma had her FIVE year check up with Dr. Moore yesterday.  She hadn't been in to the doctor since her four-year check up, and the administrative assistant was floored.  In fact - and I quote - she said, "For any child under the age of 11, to only come in once a year....that's one healthy little girl!  She must have one heck of an immune system." 

So ha.  Proof.  I can - with the medical field backing me up - call Emma a beast.  Standing tall at 48" and 62lbs, she is one solid, healthy, and beautiful little lady.

Emma's Five Year Stats
Height: 48" (4')  99% percentile
Weight: 62lbs  99% percentile
Sight:  Good
Coordination:  Excellent
Speech:  Excellent
Beast:  Yes

Emma Lucille Swickheimer.
Thinking she's hot stuff, in her "big kid" gown.

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