Monday, August 13, 2012

Emma's 1st Fish

Emma won her first fish at the Indiana State Fair.

And it lasted a full 18 hours before passing away.

Upon Emma's wishes, we paid our last respects to Mr. Fish in a somber Toilet Bowl ceremony.

We have all fully recovered from the pain and heartache that we felt for Mr. Fish during those 18 hours with our family by purchasing a new goldfish named Ms. Princess.

She is now going on her 7th day of life.

And I have a feeling she may not make it much longer as her owner is too lazy or some might say: could care less to clean her bowl.  Gasp!
Don't let these smiles fool you.
Behind those smiles, there is heartache. Turmoil. Utter devastation.

Taking a moment to say a final prayer for Mr. Fish.

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