Monday, August 27, 2012

Holliday Park

So I've got nothing unusual, exciting, or outrageously fabulous to report in this post. But I captured some great photos that I'd like to preserve in my family's memory bank, so here's to a post at one of our family's favorite parks: Holliday Park in Indianapolis.

Gettin' after the monkey bars.
She's a pro.

Taking a walk on the wild side.
On all fours.
(Drew's a little more cautious than Emma)

My lil' tree climber.

He goes EVERYWHERE with a train, truck, plane, or car.

Impossible to get a picture of both of them looking at the camera.
At least the ambulance is sitting pretty though, right?

1 comment:

shiloh said...

Chrissy, you and and Andy have some pretty awesome kids:)